Joystick Magazine 1995 November (Mac)
cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso
Xconq 7.0.1
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Text File
385 lines
(game-module "napoleon"
(title "Napoleon")
(blurb "definitions for the Napoleonic wars")
(see-all true)
(world-seen true)
("Winds" winds
(add t* wind-force-min 1)
(add t* wind-force-average 1)
(add t* wind-force-max 4)
(add t* wind-force-variability 50.00)
(add t* wind-variability 50.00)
("Scoring" scoring
(add places point-value (0 5 25))
(scorekeeper (do last-side-wins))
(unit-type inf (name "infantry") (image-name "soldiers")
(help "the backbone of the army"))
(unit-type guards (image-name "soldiers")
(help "the elite of the army"))
(unit-type cav (name "cavalry") (image-name "cavalry")
(help "zips around for shock effect"))
(unit-type ldr (name "leader") (image-name "flag")
(help "controls the movements of land forces"))
(unit-type transport (image-name "brig")
(help "how armies get across water"))
(unit-type frigate (image-name "frigate")
(help "the eyes of the fleet"))
(unit-type fleet (image-name "twodecker")
(help "a full line of battle fleet"))
(unit-type balloon (image-name "balloon")
(help "fragile but good for reconnaissance"))
(unit-type / (name "entrenchments") (image-name "camp")
(help "temporary protection for armies"))
(unit-type city (name "city") (image-name "town20")
(help "a typical city"))
(unit-type capital (name "capital") (image-name "city18")
(help "the major city of a country"))
(material-type food)
(material-type shot)
(terrain-type sea
(color "sky blue") (image-name "sea") (char ".")
(help "deep ocean"))
(terrain-type shallows
(color "cyan") (image-name "shallows") (char ",")
(help "coastal waters and lakes"))
(terrain-type swamp
(color "yellow green") (image-name "swamp") (char "=")
(terrain-type desert
(color "yellow") (image-name "desert") (char "~")
(terrain-type plains
(color "green") (image-name "plains") (char "+")
(terrain-type forest
(color "forest green") (image-name "forest") (char "%")
(terrain-type mountains
(color "sienna") (image-name "mountains") (char "^")
(define land-t* (desert plains forest mountains))
(define cell-t* (sea shallows swamp desert plains forest mountains))
(terrain-type road
(color "gray") (char ">")
(subtype connection) (subtype-x road-x))
(terrain-type river
(color "blue") (char "<")
(subtype border) (subtype-x river-x))
(terrain-type snow
(color "white")
(subtype coating))
(add t* elevation-min -100)
(add t* elevation-max 2000)
(add (sea shallows swamp) elevation-min 0)
(add (sea shallows swamp) elevation-max (0 0 10))
(add (mountains) elevation-min 2000)
(add (mountains) elevation-max 9000)
(area (cell-width 50000))
(add (sea shallows snow) liquid true)
;;; Some defns for the fractal percentile generator.
(set alt-blob-density 10000)
(set alt-blob-height 500)
(set alt-blob-size 200)
(set alt-smoothing 4)
(set wet-blob-density 2000)
(set wet-blob-size 100)
;;; River generation.
;; Rivers are most likely to start in the mountains or forests.
(add (plains forest mountains) river-chance (20.00 30.00 30.00))
;; Rivers empty into lakes if they don't reach the sea.
(set river-sink-terrain shallows)
;;; Road generation.
(table road-into-chance
(land-t* land-t* 100)
;; Try to get a road back out into the plains.
(cell-t* plains 100)
;; Be reluctant to run through hostile terrain.
(plains (desert forest mountains) (40 30 20))
;(set edge-terrain ice)
(define water (sea shallows))
(define land (plains desert forest mountains))
(define army-types (inf guards))
(define land-forces (inf guards cav))
(define ships (transport frigate fleet))
(define movers (append land-forces ldr ships balloon))
(define places (/ city capital))
;;; Temperature characteristics of terrain.
(add t* temperature-min -20)
(add water temperature-min 0)
(add desert temperature-min 0)
(add t* temperature-max 30)
(add desert temperature-max 50)
(add mountains temperature-max 20)
(add t* temperature-average 20)
(add land temperature-variability 5)
(add u* already-seen true)
;;; Static relationships.
;;; Unit-unit capacities.
(table unit-capacity-x
;; Armies can have only one commander.
((inf guards) ldr 1)
;; (how can leaders carry others as subordinates?)
(table unit-size-as-occupant
;; Disable occupancy normally.
(u* u* 99)
(land-forces (transport fleet) 1)
(ldr u* 1)
(movers (city capital) 1)
(add (transport fleet / city capital) capacity (4 2 10 80 80))
(table occupant-max
(u* u* 99)
;;; Unit-terrain interaction.
(table vanishes-on
(land-forces sea true)
(ships land true)
(places sea true)
;;; Unit-terrain capacities.
;; Allow effectively infinite capacity everywhere.
(table unit-size-in-terrain
(u* t* 1)
(add t* capacity 100)
;;; Actions.
(add u* acp-per-turn (1 1 3 10 2 5 3 5 0 1 1))
;; capitals should be more capable?
(table acp-occupant-effect
(ldr inf 800)
(ldr guards 1000)
;;; Movement.
(add places speed 0)
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
(u* t* 1)
(land-forces sea 99)
;; Cavalry is slower in rough terrain.
(cav (forest mountains) 2)
;; Leaders move about as fast as a frigate, when at sea.
(ldr (sea shallows) 2)
;; Leaders are also slower in the mountains.
(ldr (mountains) 2)
(ships land 99)
;; (no effect for shallows, ships were small then)
;;; Construction.
(add u* cp (20 40 8 12 10 20 40 4 1 1 1))
(table acp-to-create
(army-types / 1)
((city capital) movers 1)
(city balloon 0) ; only let capitals build balloons
(table cp-on-creation
(army-types / 1)
((city capital) movers 1)
(table acp-to-build
((city capital) movers 1)
(city balloon 0) ; only let capitals build balloons
(table cp-per-build
((city capital) movers 1)
;;; (ships should need lots of tooling up to build)
;;; Cities can repair anything.
(table acp-to-repair
((city capital) u* 1)
;;; Navy ships can repair themselves automatically.
(add (frigate fleet) hp-recovery 1)
;1 food land-forces produce
;1 food / produce
;10 [ food shot ] [ city capital ] produce
;100 [ plains forest ] land-forces productivity
;100 [ plains forest mountains ] / productivity
;0 desert / productivity
;100 plains [ city capital ] productivity
;70 [ forest mountains ] [ city capital ] productivity
;30 desert [ city capital ] productivity
;[ 4 10 4 300 300 300 0 10 500 1000 ] food u* storage
;[ 1 0 30 30 30 50 0 100 200 400 ] shot u* storage
;1 food land-forces consume
;1 food ships consume
;-1 r* land-forces out-length
;;; Combat.
(add u* hp-max (10 10 2 1 3 6 1 1 10 20 40))
(add army-types parts-max 10)
(table hit-chance
(u* u* 50)
;; Leaders should never expose themselves to combat directly.
(u* ldr 90)
(ldr u* 0)
;; Balloons are somewhat protected by their altitude.
(u* balloon 50)
(balloon u* 0)
(table damage
(u* u* 1)
(fleet u* 3)
(table capture-chance
(army-types city (20 30))
(army-types capital (10 15))
;; Scuttling and disbanding was easy in those days.
(add movers acp-to-disband 1)
;; Armies can grow and shrink easily.
(add army-types acp-to-transfer-part 1)
;;; Environmental effects.
(add land-forces survival-zone-min -30)
(add land-forces comfort-zone-min 5)
(add land-forces comfort-zone-max 30)
(add land-forces survival-zone-max 50)
;;; The major participants.
(set side-library '(
((name "France") (adjective "French"))
((name "England") (adjective "English"))
((name "Spain") (adjective "Spanish"))
((name "Austria") (adjective "Austrian"))
((name "Prussia") (adjective "Prussian"))
((name "Russia") (adjective "Russian"))
(world 1000 (year-length 12))
(set temperature-year-cycle
(((49 48) (0 0) (1 -5) (3 20) (7 30) (11 5)) ; Paris
((86 62) (0 -15) (1 -10) (4 15) (7 20) (11 0)) ; Moscow
((56 69) (0 0) (7 20) (11 0)) ; Stockholm
((50 0) (0 20) (7 40) (11 20)) ; Sahara
((150 0) (0 20) (7 40) (11 20)) ; Arabia
(set temperature-moderation-range 1)
;(area 60 30)
(set calendar '(usual "month"))
(set season-names
((0 2 "winter") (3 5 "spring") (6 8 "summer") (9 11 "autumn")))
;; (should be for all types, but list property interp is lame)
(add frigate acp-season-effect '((0 25) (2 100)))
;;; Random setup stuff. Irrelevant for a historical game, but helpful for testing.
(add cell-t* alt-percentile-min ( 0 50 50 51 51 51 95))
(add cell-t* alt-percentile-max ( 50 51 51 95 95 95 100))
(add cell-t* wet-percentile-min ( 0 0 50 0 10 90 0))
(add cell-t* wet-percentile-max (100 100 100 10 90 100 100))
(add plains country-terrain-min 7)
(set country-radius-min 3)
(set country-separation-min 8)
(add (city capital) start-with (5 1))
;(add city independent-density 1000)
(table favored-terrain add
(u* t* 0)
((city capital) plains 100)
(game-module (notes "player notes here"
(game-module (design-notes (
"Map scale is 50 km/hex, game time is 1 month/turn."
"Balloons are more fun than realistic."